Tuesday, December 18, 2007

December 18, 2007 1.5 lb or 3.5 lbs...you decide!

Had my appointment with the clinic this morning. On my scale I think it was 257 (not digital). So that would have left me with a 1.5 loss from 258.5. I got on the clinic scale and it also showed 257 , but they deduct 2 lbs for clothes. So they have me down for 255. So I think a poll should be done. Should I take the 255 and count the 2 extra pounds? LOL Jonesing for some extra lbs here! LOL

They couldn't think if they had any other diabetics on the Releana. They had a couple on the optifast diet....YUCK! And I got the talk again about not weighing so much, if not seeing the scale move every morning gets depressing. They have a few that really freak out with the scale, so they only weigh in there. I don't think I could go 2 weeks without weighing. Got my lipo fat reducing shot. It is a B12 shot mixed with some fat releasing herbs and/or amino acids in it. I will have to look for that paperwork and see what the other ingredients are. I asked about the reason why they have us use 5-6 oz of protein per meal and not the 3.5 oz. They were having problems when they first started with patients not feeling well, being dizzy and weak, etc. So they called up Releana and they adviced to increase. Said they were having some of the same issues and advised their patients to increase and it didn't seem to effect the weight loss. Now I don't know how scientific the decision was to come up with this reasoning. But I am still losing, so I think I will stay on the 5 oz of protein. And when measuring on a scale, it is only two more extra bites.

So what have I learned here? That if I stick with the plan, the weight has to come off. Might not come off when I want it, but it will come off. Do I have to like it that I don't have nice smooth weight losses like some people? No I don't, but I have to accept it. And accepting it is not settling. Just have to take it as it is. This is how my body is working right now. My body has shown a pattern during both cycles of P2. So if I start to whimper and throw another temper tantrum in R3, you all have my permission to REMIND me that I have been down this road before. I will make it past all the detours and bumps in the road and get to my destination. Deal?

When I look in the mirror I still see this big round gut. But I do notice the other parts of my body that has slimmed down. I can now scratch the middle of my back..matter of fact, all over it! Haven't been able to do that in awhile. And when I am bending over in a chair, my tummy is not so much in the way now. I am getting my lap back. Haven't seen that in ages! I have been losing in all areas, but seems my gut has a ways to go. If I could figure out how to post the pictures, I would. I am going to have to work on that one. But I think my losing of fat is going on a cycle of LILO (cost accounting terms) Last in, last out! When I am down to goal, my measurements will probably be 38-36-38. Right now it is 50-56-55. Can you say APPLE! And then I noticed on Biz's measurements, my thighs are an inch smaller than her last measurement. So can you now say APPLE on a stick! LOL But all that to say this, I went to get my hair cut tonight. I just started this diet when I got my last haircut. My stylist, David, told me he almost didn't recognize me. I had to go to the bathroom when I got there and he was working on another client. He said he saw a woman go to the bathroom, then it hit him that it was me. So that boosted my ego a bit! Woohoo!!!! So one day soon, I will look in the mirror and notice my gut isn't so big! It will come and I look forward to that day!

Thanks everyone for your comments, they mean so much to me!

Be Blessed!



Amy's Blog said...

Woo HOO for your loss! Your body is gearing up for losses right now! And I hope you won't forget if you reach another temporary stall - that it is temporary. Very funny about scratching your back! LOL! I like the fact that I won't topple so easily when I bend over to tie my shoe. :-)

Tracey said...

Oh Amy...you hit my funny bone! Brought tears to my eyes! God...been there done that!

Anonymous said...

He he.... I like being able to cross my legs again. Apple on a stick!! so silly :) I "stairstep" in my weightloss too - but as you said, it DOES come off. Have a great holiday!

BizBuzz said...

Thanks for clearing that up for me about the weight of the protein. Interesting!

Congrats on the loss! Just had a few to check in.

BizBuzz said...

Just passing on thru, wondering how you are doin?

BizBuzz said...

Don't know where you are or how your doing, but I couldn't let this day pass without you knowing how much I appreciated you and your support during 2007!

Hope this finds you well!