Monday, February 11, 2008

February 11, 2007 Interesting Weekend

I don't know if I have talked much about my status in relationship arena, but I am divorced. Separated in 2004 and divorced was final in May of 2007. Dating at this age, well it is just a pain in the, well you know what! lol The men I have met haven't been my cup of tea. One day the right one will come along and I am not in a rush, but would be nice to have someone of the opposite sex to go do things with. Well Friday night this 48 year old chick had me a 33 year old cowboy!!! Yippee Ki I Yee!!!! We had been chatting for several months and finally decided to meet each other. He lives about an hour away from me and drove down for the evening. We met for a few drinks and then came back to my place for more drinks and conversation. It was a very nice evening. Don't worry, I had a safe call and check in's in place and he was aware of it all. It was a big boost to my ego, let me tell you! That should last for awhile.

Now Saturday I realized that rum must dehydrate you. I could not get enough to drink. Was still making up for it on Sunday and today. I did weigh Saturday morning and was down to 245 lbs. So that is another 2 lbs loss. It seems to be fitting into my own unique pattern that I have established. So for now I will go with the flo and not stress over it!!! Was talking to one of my good friends last night, and was saying how I am still not seeing the changes in the mirror yet. I see some difference, but they are slight in my eyes. This will change and I am keeping myself aware of it. I am starting to get into a lot of clothes that I haven't been able too. I think another 20 lbs and my mind will finally kick in. I think part of it, is my stomach still sticks out, so when that goes down some more, my brain will finally be able to see it. Everyone around me can, so I will believe them, I am not going to agrue! I am taking the compliments with style and grace! hee hee!!!

Glad everyone is hanging in there...remember one day at a time!

Be Blessed!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

February 7, 2008 Almost the end of R3

Well I am back from the dead! I am still on Releana and still moving forward and strong. I just had to take a sabbatical from the computer.

I was at a stall and my body just didn't want to co-operate. I think the scale saw 250 lbs and decided that it was fat and happy sitting right there! I wasn't but it was! I decided that I was going to let nature take it's course and ride it out. I tried a steak day and an egg day, not in a row, and it did nothing. I was having flashbacks of all the other times (not hcg) and I would freeze around 20 lbs. I kept telling myself that i had lost over 30 lbs so I could keep going and my body was just going to have to get it together and join my soul and spirit. I had noticed that I was starting to get frustrated at everyone's losses. A 1lb a day here and there and everywhere!!! My poor scale just stood there. My brain was heading into a not so good of place, so I knew I needed to take a break from the computer. Just needed to ride this one out by myself. I love all of your support and I love sharing in everyones joy, but sometimes you just need to get your own sh*t together! LOL

Well my body did get over its hump, but it took almost 3 weeks. But this time I didn't let myself get to the point of total frustration. I knew it would work, but just had to let this mass of flesh decide to join the rest of me. I think the fat was moving on my body though. This was a time when I got the most compliments at work. Everyone telling me that they could really tell I was losing more! I accepted their compliments and told me body...see now lets get that scale in gear! LOL.

It finally happened on Monday, February 4. I hit 247 lbs!!! I have noticed that I don't lose in a steady stream. My is more like hurdle to hurdle. I go a few days the same and then lose a lb or two, then stay the same for another 7-10 days and then drop 2 -3 lbs. I have planted that in my brain. So if I start whining about not losing, please remind me!

I am really noticing the loss of fat in my body. Especially in my lower abdomen. My stomach still needs my body is still responding to the last on last off method of fat placement! Still losing in all areas of my body, I just want more in my stomach. But it is coming off, so I will have to be patient and let it happen on its own accord. Just keep following the Hcg diet and IT WILL COME!!!

I have read on some blogs and in groups comments about the great thing about this is you lose the fat and it re distributes itself. I think this is a YMMV. I think that it really depends on how your body retains the fat in the first place. Like I have said before, I am an apple shape. The majority of my fat is in the stomach and lower abdomen. My skin is starting to get really loose in my lower gut and on the side of my waist. I think my skin is past the point of springing back to life! lol Thank God for plastic surgeons!

Be Blessed!