Monday, December 17, 2007

December 16, 2007 SLOW!!!!!

Well everyone, sorry for no posts in a few days. Well I am still slow! The scale has only moved down .5 lbs! But in thinking these past few days. I am trying hard not to get frustrated and doing a lot of self talk. What every you want to call it! The one thought that I have to keep putting it out of my head is that this is not going to work for me. Be like all the rest, hit a certain point and then it peters out! (had some of them too...Oh that is for another blog! LOL) It has to work..that is all there is to it. But I may have been sabotaging myself. I have been forgetting to take my night dose of Hcg! What a pre menopausal woman I am! LOL (Just took my night time dose!) So I have not had the full amount, that doesn't help! And I looked back on old info and I did really slow losing at the same time, last round. I remember on my 2 week weigh in telling the lady about this and she advised not to weigh everyday. So it could be that also. Or it could just be that at one point in my life this was a comfortable weight! Yeah like 2 weeks! LOL I can't remember hanging around in the 250's before. But it could have been when I was first married.

So everyone please send your vibes that this gnawing feeling will leave me and the scales move more! When my doctor told me that with diabetes your body doesn't like to lose weight...he was sure right! When I see people losing weight on the here or my diabetes groups, I am so happy for them and then a little disappointed that I have to haul this road. Why can some people just have the weight fly off and others it takes forever? But it was mine in the making for not getting my weight under control sooner. Now the damage is done and I have to deal with all that comes with it.

But I am going to stay on plan and keep with protocol with the food. If this diet is soooo sensative that I can't use lotion on my aligator skin. Well it can just suck a big toe! LOL I can't live my life second guessing everything I do. I just don't do well going down that road. If I keep eating the way I am supposed too, it will have to come off, right??????? Tell me I am right!!!!

Love you all and be blessed!



BizBuzz said...

Tracey, I am curious if the amount of protein you are consuming is playing with you. I am going to have to do some research on the whole diabetic portion of this protocol, but I thought I remembered reading that Dr S this works for everyone regardless of where they are health wise.

I want to start this scale moving for you Tracey. I seem to be good at figuring out things, so if you want to write me personally and let's get this thing moving in the right direction. The protocol is hard on it's own, let's not make it harder ok?

Write me at bizadventure at comcast dot net

Take care!

beachbrights said...

I just wanted you to know that I am reading your blog and thinking of you. I don't have any advice for you (other than listen to Biz)! However, I am sending you GOOD VIBES & HUGS! I know first hand how frustrating this can be, especially when you second guess yourself...SO STOP!

Hang in there...the weight will come off!


Amy's Blog said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this. Yes, I do believe it will help to not miss your doses. Your supply is still potent? Drinking your water? I wonder if there are other diabetics on hcg? You're the only one I know of. They may have some clues. I assume you've played with your medication doses to see if that helps any. You haven't mentioned fatigue, which suggests that your other hormones are OK.

I too wish I knew why some lose weight easier than others - I think the whole world would like to know this! lol. At least you have moved down! I sure am sending heartfelt release vibes to you! Hugs!!