Monday, November 12, 2007

November 12, 2007 Made my goal!

My Weight Chart:
Weight Chart

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. Time can really get away from you. Can't believe the year is almost over! Well last Thursday I had my weigh in for the end of P2. I needed to lose 2 lbs. And I did it!!!! Thanks everyone for sending those weight loss vibes. I was very proud of the loss. 20 lbs in 25 days! Also got my new bottle of Releana for the next round. I can go back and weigh again before i start it or wait until after two weeks into R2P2. But I will probably head back in again. Oh got my body compostion from the clinic...they have one of those fancy scales. My total Body water went from 101.5 to 99.5, my muscle mass went from 139.0 to 136.0, so that was really good..only lost 3 lbs of muscle. My fat mass when from 144 to 127. My BMI went from 45.6 to 42.5 and my Basal Metabolic rate went from 1971 calories to 1886 calories. So they advised me to keep my calories for P3 under 1500 to still have some weight loss. And at least get 90 grams of protein in per day. But I know that I will have more protein.

Today was my first day of P3 and I had a salad. I have been craving one with salad dressing. Had it with a chicken breast in it and some Marble jack cheese. Tasted so good. Tonight I had a ground sirloin patty and sauted mushrooms. So yummy! Now what will be interesting to watch is how my blood sugar handles the extra fat. Hopefully I won't have to start back up with my Byetta. I wanted to do this P3 to see how my blood sugars handle all of this. Such a balancing act. I can't wait till more weight is off and my body responds sooo much better.

I have been weighing everyday and watching the scale barely move...but I have to remember that I have a analog scale. So I don't get to jump up and down for my .2 or .4 losses. Maybe I can ask Santa for a digital one. That's a thought! I think I have been a good girl this year!

Well my buddie from Baton Rouge is buzzing me to work our challenges on, so I better get my butt to moving!

Everyone be blessed and the weightloss faires visit all of us!!!!


1 comment:

Amie said...

Woohoo! You kicked my butt in the amount of time it took you to shed those 20 lb! lol It took me over a month!

I'm sending happy, good mojo your way that your blood sugar will behave!