Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 7, 2008 Day 1 R3P2

Well I am starting my third round today. Starting weight at 251, so held my own for a week. That was good. Played with my blog a bit. Finally figured out how to get the code for the virtual model. Had it done for 2 months but couldn't figure out how to get it on my page.

Since I didn't load this time, only did P3 for a week, I was more hungry today. Will take an extra apple tomorrow. Seems I level out at night time. Just in the mid morning it really hit me today. Tomorrow night I will make some soup to take to help me feel full. Was going to do it tonight, but Football was one. So got engrossed in that. Geaux Tigers!!! By Wednesday or Thursday I will really have the hcg in my system, so the hunger will subside.

Had my last party this past Saturday. Everyone was surprised and happy about the weight I have lost so far. Did pretty good, did have some starches, but limited. A roll and two bites of the baked beans I made. Had to taste those! Wanted to make sure I didn't poison anyone!

Will got out with my one friend on Thursday night. Will go somewhere where I can have a steak and substitute the potato for some broccoli. But then that will be over with. Then will not have to watch her get moody because I wont eat off protocol. I don't harass her because she orders all her food without any seasonings! Yuck! LOL

Well time for bed and the X-files!

Be Blessed!



BizBuzz said...

HA! Another X-Files fan! WOO HOO! I think you done really good there Tracey! Not bad at all, and good for you dealing with your friend, you show her who is boss!

Welcome back on the P2 train!

beachbrights said...

Cute model! Love the hair!!

Great job on maintaining...Welcome back to P2.